December 6, 2005
Excellence in Teaching’ Awards
Fall 2005
Tuesday, December 6th, 2005
Friend Center Convocation Room
Light lunch available at 4:00
Awards presentations begin at 4:30
The Princeton University Engineering Council “Excellence in Teaching” Awards
In an effort to enhance the quality of education at Princeton,Engineering undergraduates initiated the “Excellence in Teaching” Awards in the fall of 1988. The purpose of the awards is to promote excellence in teaching by recognizing professors and teaching assistants committed to student education. Any professor or teaching assistant instructing an undergraduate engineering, mathematics, or physics course is eligible to receive an award. We look for dedication and a commitment to student learning that surpasses the norm. Nominees are evaluated according to their ability to present the course material in a clear and effective manner, responsiveness to student needs, a concern for student learning, and innovative and creative teaching methods. The number of awards granted in a given semester to members of each department is not predetermined. Since the awards are granted on behalf of particular classes to their professors, an individual may receive multiple awards. Each award reflects the appreciation of a specific group of students.
Awards to Teaching Assistants:
Benedict Brown: COS 126
Kumar Raman: PHY 104
Sinead MacNamara: CEE 366
Katsuyuki Wakabayashi
Awards to Staff:
Donna Gabai: COS 126
Awards to Faculty::
Ronnie Sircar: ORF 335
Brian Kernighan: COS 333
Pablo Debenedetti: CHE 246