COS528:Data Structures and Graph Algorithms
Data structures and algorithms for graph and network problems, including disjoint set union, heaps, search trees, search on graphs, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, network flows, and matchings. The intent of the course is to examine the most efficient algorithms known for a variety of combinatorial problems and to discover the principles underlying the design and analysis of these algorithms. The emphasis is on asymptotic worst-case and amortized analysis.
Semester: Fall24
Lectures: Monday,Wednesday 1:30 - 2:50
Location: TBD
Robert Tarjan
Office: Computer Science 305
Extension: 4797
Email: ret
Additional Information
Registrar's Fall24 COS offerings
CS Course Schedule
The Grad Coordinator is Nicki Mahler.
Email: ngotsis
Office: Computer Science 213
Extension: 5387